How to Share Data Effectively

Student Engagement

hands in share data

Effective family engagement strategies include providing families with accessible, understandable, and actionable data on their child’s progress. This set of tip sheets helps administrators, teachers, and families determine the best ways to share student data in meaningful ways, on a regular basis, to strengthen family–school partnerships and promote student learning.

The tip sheets include examples of data-sharing practices that illustrate how administrators, teachers, and families can adopt a data-driven approach to supporting student learning. Designed to be used either individually or as a set, the tip sheets allow educators and families to approach conversations about student data with shared expectations about what each of them is prepared to discuss. This understanding helps increase their ability to work together to improve children’s educational outcomes.


    Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets (Hojas de Consejos Para Las Reuniones de Padres y Maestros).  Harvard Family Research Project

    Even with technological advances that allow parents to track their child’s academic progress remotely, and more transparency in student data (such as test scores and attendance rates), face-to-face interaction between parents and teachers is still the cornerstone of school family engagement efforts. These newly revised Parent–Teacher Conference Tip Sheets provide key strategies for both parents and teachers to walk into conferences informed and prepared, in order to ensure the most successful outcomes. A tip sheet aimed at school principals also outlines how school administrators can support parents and teachers to that end.


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