Character Education

Character education is intended to help students understand and commit to behaviors that are in line with core ethical values, which are incorporated into the general school curriculum. State policies may require character education, but there is little research evidence to support the effectiveness of these efforts to prevent violence or other behavior problems…

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Related Briefs

School Climate and Culture; Social Skills Instruction

Student Engagement Logo
Character Counts!

Outside Resources

Nebraska Character Education Guidelines (2002)

The Nebraska Character Education Guidelines were designed by teachers, community members, and representatives of the University of Nebraska and the State Department of Education. These guidelines were developed to give direction to teachers and administrators in preparing curriculum that integrate character education into classrooms.

View the Nebraska Character Education Guidelines

Michigan State Board of Education Policy on Quality Character Education

This document outlines the Michigan State Board of Education's 11 principles of character education.

View the Michigan State Board of Education Policy on Quality Character Education