The strategy briefs listed below can be used to reduce the risk of students dropping out and to recover students who may have already made a decision to dropout of school. Many of these strategies overlap with those for behavior and discipline. They can be used for individual student planning or school improvement planning. Each brief identifies the tier of intervention for that strategy.
A pdf of a complete list of all Student Engagement Project documents showing data completed, tiers of intervention, and page length is here.
Academic Supports & Tutoring
Alternative Schooling
Animals in Schools
Before & After School Programs
Behavior Monitoring
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Character Education
Conflict De-escalation
Counseling Intervention
Dropout Recovery
Evidence-Based Practices – Coming Soon
Individual Behavior Plans & Functional Assessment
- Includes "Resources for Mentoring Program"
Middle to High School Transition Planning
- Includes "Resources for Middle to High School Transition"
Mindfulness – Coming Soon
Parent & Family Involvement
Peer Mediation
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Postsecondary Transition Planning
School Climate & Culture
School Values & Expectations
School Wide Behavior/Discipline Programs
Service Learning & Community Service
Sleep and School
Social Skills Instruction
Staff-Student Relationships
Student Engagement
Suicide Prevention
- Includes "Resources for Suicide Prevention"
Truancy Reduction
- Includes "Resources for Truancy Reduction in Schools"
Trauma-Informed Care – Coming Soon