DataBasic #1: Knowledge of data collection tools.

he goal of DataBasic 1 is to know a variety of different ways to collect student data (e.g., data collection protocols) and to be able to use them in classrooms. A variety of data collection strategies are listed below. Each strategy has a flyer that gives more information on the measure, tips for best use, and instructions for implementation.

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Behavior Diary

The Behavior Diary (Witt et al., 2000) is a strategy for gathering specific information about positive or negative behaviors that occur occasionally during a school day. This data collection tool is helpful for showing behavior patterns and keeping track of consequences and rewards given for inappropriate and appropriate behavior.

Learn more about The Behavior Diary here:

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Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM)

Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM; Deno, Fuchs, Marston, & Shinn, 2001) are brief, simple, reliable and practical measures of academic learning used to track students’ academic progress. CBM measures can be obtained from commercially available programs or can be customized from free or fee-based websites. To learn more about CBM, view the CBM flyer.

Find No-Cost Curriculum-Based Measures here

Fee-based Curriculum-Based Measures can be found at:

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Check and Connect Monitoring Form

Check & Connect Monitoring Form (Christensen et al., 2012) is a strategy for gathering information on student engagement through daily records of tardiness, absences, disciplinary referrals (including detentions and suspensions), failing grades, and, in the case of secondary students, the acquisition of credits towards graduation. This data-collection tool allows teachers to not only track multiple student behaviors but also adult strategies for intervening with the student.

Learn more about Check and Connect:

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ClassMaps Survey

The ClassMaps Survey (Doll, Spies, Brehm, & Zucker, 2014) is given to classrooms to assess students’ perceptions of important characteristics related to academic engagement, including teacher-student relationships, peer friendships, peer conflict, worries about peer aggression, home-school relationships, academic self-efficacy, self-determination, and behavioral self-control.

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Daily Progress Report

The Daily Progress Report (Crone et al., 2004) is used to track disruptive behaviors of individual students. The Daily Progress Report is a goal sheet that students carry with them to each class to collect teachers’ ratings of classroom behaviors. This report provides helpful information about behavior patterns across settings.

Learn more about the Daily Progress Report:

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Goal Attainment Scale (GAS)

Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) is a method of rating behavioral, academic, or social performance using a 5-point scale. Teachers define specific criteria for each successive level of the scale to describe students’ progress toward their goals. The GAS is a very feasible method of tracking performance in classroom settings.

Learn more about the Goal Attainment Scale with the Goal Attainment Scale Flyer

Click here to view the Goal Attainment Scale

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Scatter Plot

The Scatter Plot Data Form (Johnston, 2010) is a method for documenting behaviors that occur repeatedly throughout the day (i.e., 2-3 times per hour), but are short in duration. The form tracks when and how often behaviors occur in a variety of contexts/settings.

Learn more about the Scatter Plot form with the Scatter Plot Flyer

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The Self-Graphing Data Form (Johnston, 2010) is a strategy for collecting discrete information on student behavior, ability, progress, and functioning. This measure is best used for tracking students’ skill development, skill acquisition or ability to complete sequential tasks.

Click here to learn more about the Self-graphing Form

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Steps Measure

The Steps Measure is a strategy that assesses students’ development of a desired behavior that is not already occurring. The measure defines successive approximations between beginning behaviors and the goal behavior and tracks progress through these successive approximations. The Steps Measure can serve as a method of intervention as well as a system of data collection.

Click here to learn more about the Steps Measure

Click here to view the Steps Measure

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Teacher Participation Report (TPR)

The Teacher Participation Report is a useful data collection tool for collecting teacher ratings of academic engagement, work completion, homework accuracy, and student behavior. This strategy can be used to collect teacher ratings of individual student participation over several days, weeks, or class periods.

Click here for more information about the Teacher Participation Report

Click here to view the Teacher Participation Report

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Click a reference to return to its location on the page

Christenson, S. L., Stout, K. E., & Pohl, A. J. (2012). Check & Connect: A comprehensive student engagement intervention: Implementing with fidelity. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute on Community Integration.

Crone, D. A., Horner, R. H., & Hawken, L. S. (2004). Responding to problem behavior in schools. New York: Guilford Press.

Doll, B., Brehm, K., & Zucker, S. (2014). Resilient classrooms, 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford Publications.

Deno, Fuchs, Marston, & Shinn, 2001

Johnston, T. C. (2010). Data Without Tears: How to write measurable educational goals and collect meaningful data. Champaign, Illinois: Research Press.

Witt, J. C., Daly, E. J., III, & Noell, G. H. (2000). Functional assessments: A step-by-step guide to solving academic and behavior problems. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

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