Dropout Recovery

Dropout recovery is intended to find students who have dropped out of school and to assist them in completing additional education. Most often these programs attempt to re-enroll dropouts in school to complete their high school diploma, and they often employ five strategies for recovering dropouts.

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Dropout Recovery

Outside Resources

The Truth About America's Graduation Rate

Graduation rates have improved from 72% in 2001 to 81% in 2013. NPR reports the three main causes for the improvement in graduation rates from 2001 to 2013: earlier school interventions, more flexible pathways to graduation, and  states' "gaming systems." Follow the link to see this information and more which are presented using a multimedia platform.

View The Truth About America's Graduation Rate

Approaching Dropout As An Alterable Variable

Dr. Matthew Klare's lecture on changing the perspective on student dropout (51:40).

View the Video