These materials are intended to be used by building administrators and school based teams of educators who are interested in making improvements in their schools related to reducing the use of exclusionary discipline practices, and reducing the likelihood that their students will drop out from school. The planning process and materials will assist schools to identify and implement evidence-based strategies related to these topics. Materials are intended to be useful with minimal outside training, support or resources to develop local improvement plans. The planning process is in accord with the Dropout Prevention Intervention Framework of the National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities, and also the Framework of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
The planning process suggested could be a part of a school's "School Improvement" or Nebraska's "Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities (ILCD)" district planning process. These materials also support local and state efforts to address federal monitoring indicators (Barb B, SPP indicators #2 and #4) in the areas of "Suspension and Expulsion" and of "Dropout/Graduation" for students with disabilities.