Staff-Student Relationships

A staff-student relationship can be defined as a caring connection between a youth and a school staff member. These relationships have been shown to be a protective factor for students at-risk for failure by helping them to build resiliency and self-regulation skills.

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Staff-Student Relationships

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Two by Ten Strategy

This is a strategy teachers can implement with the most challenging student in their classroom, which takes just two minutes and has been shown to improve student behavior by 85%. More resources include:

2X10 Strategy Article
2X10 Strategy Video

View an Article on this Strategy

Berstein-Yamashiro, B., & Noam, G. (2013). Teacher-student relatonships: Toward personalized education. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.

This book explores the complexity of teacher-student relationships in secondary school settings, and how these relationships function for students and teachers in their learning and socio-emotional development. The relationships are discussed from both the teacher and student perspective, and topics include drawing appropriate boundaries, school-provided guidelines and guidance, formats for supporting teachers, a whole-school approach to working on students' emotional challenges, and relationships in after-school programs.

View the Book Description