Data Without Tears Summary
Data Without Tears (Johnston, 2010) is a great resource and easy-to-use guide for goal planning and basic data collection. This document highlights the important components of the book. It is especially helpful to follow the goal-setting model presented from this text in order to carefully think about setting appropriate, measurable, and meaningful goals.
Data Without Tears Summary Handout
Intervention Central Walkthrough
During data collection, teachers begin thinking about interventions that may be useful for their students. is a great resource to help guide teachers through the process of choosing a potential intervention that meets their students’ needs. This handout helps new users to navigate the layout of
Intervention Central Walkthrough
Strategy Sheets
The strategy sheets contain helpful suggestions for addressing different types of problem behavior that may occur in the classroom.
Academic Efficacy Strategy Sheet
Academic Self-Determination Strategy Sheet
Behavioral Self Control Strategy Sheet
Promoting Home-School Relationships Strategy Sheet
Peer Relationships Strategy Sheet
Teacher-Student Relationships Strategy Sheet
Playground and Recess Strategies
Indoor Recess Strategy Sheet
Not Following Playground Rules Strategy Sheet
Competitive Playground Behaviors Strategy Sheet
Playground Conflict Strategy Sheet
Collaboration-District Partnerships
This flow chart describes a model for developing home-school relationships. The model addresses collaboration between the home and school, and how to share data among the different people involved in the students’ success.
Collaboration-District Partnerships (Handout)